Hearing Aid Insurance: Coverage for a Necessity
Most of us take for granted the gift of hearing. Most people who need it cannot afford the high cost of surgery, as well as hearing aids. Although an array of options for hearing aids are available in the market right now, there are those whose hearing impairment requires them to have the more advanced (thereby more expensive) ones. Some have resulted to searching for used hearing aids over the Internet, at their own risk. Some, due to the progressive loss of hearing, may also need to upgrade their hearing aids once every 2 years, causing for them to spend from a thousand dollars to four thousand dollars, to replace the one they currently have. It is a very fragile device as well: it is not water resistant, and can break easily if stepped on. Even the natural wax or ear drainage of our ears can destroy it. Imagine having to replace these things using money from your own pocket in the case of any damage or loss. It is going to cripple the person in need of the hearing aid.