Biyernes, Agosto 31, 2012

Orthodontic Dental Insurance

Orthodontic Dental Insurance

Orthodontic Dental Insurance covers the cost of the braces. Having Orthodontic dental insurance guarantees orthodontic treatments costs for braces, equipment, check-ups, x-ray, adjustment, retainers and cost of dentist among other things. This ensures that you get full or partial coverage, depending on your plan, when you need to get braces or any other orthodontic treatment done.
Another benefit of having orthodontic insurance coverage is financial stability in case a major dental treatment needs to be done, especially for emergency cases.  This dental insurance is affordable and flexible as well. That is why it is wise to really know your options and your needs.

Medicare Supplement Insurance Guideline

Medicare Supplement Insurance Guideline

Medicare supplement insurance guidelines can be different from state to state. There are some states that have set its own rules which private companies must follow for their policy guidelines and pricing. Although a good majority of states permit private agencies to lay down their own measures for their policies and fees. There are even states where prescription medicine should be covered under all the plans of these Medicare supplemental insurance.

Tips For Negotiating With Creditors

Stick to Your Story

The person on the other end doesn’t want to hear all the details about why you’re not able to pay your bills. But they do need to know if you are in a hardship situation and what you are trying to do to get back on track. It’s helpful to come up with a few sentences that you can use consistently when you talk with creditors.

Huwebes, Agosto 30, 2012

Online Health Insurance Quotes

Online Health Insurance Quotes

Through online health insurance websites, you can get countless insurance quotes made available to you, and to top it off—they’re free! With online insurance quotes you can find informative overviews of many different health insurance companies, as well as the states the carriers serve. Doing comparative studies between the different companies and the rates they offer ensure you that you can get the best health insurance policy tailor fitted to your needs as well as your family’s needs.

Legal Immigrant Families

Legal Immigrant Families

Legal immigrant families work very hard and pay their share of taxes. Nearly all immigrant children will grow up to be U.S. citizens.  The ICHIA was passed at a time when there was much interest in greatly reducing the number of uninsured children and improving health care and coverage given to them. Efforts to widen coverage to this group of children and pregnant women merited a lot of consideration from legislators.

Avoid Paying Your Bills Late

Avoid Paying Your Bills Late

Sometimes circumstances can prevent you from paying your bills on time.  If you anticipate a bump in the road ahead, you may be better able to come up with a solution, and put a contingency plan for future “bumps.” But if you begin to fall behind on your payments regularly, you need to examine your finances, cut back on your expenses (especially non-necessities), set up a budget, and of course, find solutions.  This includes working with your creditors on repayment options, and possibly enrolling in a debt management program through a non-profit, accredited consumer credit counseling service.

Miyerkules, Agosto 29, 2012

Obesity and health insurance

Obesity and health insurance

Obesity has long term health and financial impacts. People who suffer from obesity oftentimes develop cardiovascular problems which may lead to numerous health issues. This is one of the reasons why insurance companies believe that severely overweight people have shorter life-spans than others. It is because of this that insurance companies are less-inclined to ensure them, or if they do, they tend to charge much higher rates than they normally would.



The ICHIA was supported by the National Governors Association, the National Conference of State Legislatures, and hundreds of national and state organizations. These also included the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the National Council of La Raza.  The NGA called on the federal government to pick up its share of costs for immigrant Medicaid health coverage since the federal government arranges immigration policy.

General Stress

General Stress

Sometimes one missed payment can cause a domino effect.  The more missed payments begin to accrue, the more difficult it is to dig out.  Dodging collection calls, having your services or credit terminated, damaging your credit – all of it can affect your quality of life and peace of mind.

Martes, Agosto 28, 2012



The American population may be very interested in the fact that health care companies can no longer impose lifetime limits, or impose unreasonable annual limits.  They cannot also withdraw any policy except in the condition of fraud.  Preventive services should likewise be included in the standard health care place, as is immunizations.  For those dependents that are unmarried, they can likewise be covered under their parents’ own policy until the age of 26.

State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP)

SCHIP reauthorization addresses these health insurance coverage disparities faced by legal immigrants.  Congress has included a provision giving states the option to provide Medicaid and SCHIP coverage to legal immigrant children and pregnant women during their first five years in the USA.  This proposal was supported by the many organizations and the National Governors Association (NGA).

Collection call hassles

Collection call hassles

Your creditors will eventually contact you for the money, even if you’re less than 30 days late.  They will likely call you daily, if not multiple times daily.

Lunes, Agosto 27, 2012

Mental Health Parity Act

Mental Health Parity Act

Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (2008) or MHPAEA, helps prevent group health insurance plans of which mostly offered by employers, from restricting patients from accessing care by putting limits on benefits and requiring higher patient costs than those of general medical or surgical benefits.

Medicaid hearing aids - requirements

Medicaid hearing aids - requirements

For those who want to avail of Medicaid hearing aids benefits and services, they may proceed to accredited hospitals or hearing aid clinics and outlets. They must be Medicaid eligible already and should bring their present Medicaid ID card, a valid proof of identification such as a driver’s license or passport, a hearing exam report that was signed by a doctor and other extra health insurance IDs if available.

Damage to your credit

Damage to your credit

With credit cards, auto loans, mortgages and other revolving debt, you risk damaging your credit scores.  If you’re 30 days or more late on a payment, it will be reflected on your credit report and can cause serious damage to your credit scores.   If you have a bad track record with paying your utilities, providers may require a deposit or a letter of guarantee that someone else can pay the bills when you don’t.  You may also get less favorable terms.

Huwebes, Agosto 23, 2012

Mandated Offering Law

Mandated Offering Law

These laws do not require that benefits or coverage be provided at all. It can, however, do two things: it can demand that the insured be provided with coverage or benefit for mental illness, serious mental illness, substance abuse or combination of the three. The coverage can either be approved or rejected. In the event that the coverage is approved, expect higher or additional premiums. Second, this law can also require that if benefits will be given then it should be equal.

Hearing Aids and Hearing Aids Services

Hearing Aids and Hearing Aids Services

Hearing aids and hearing aids services are generally covered by Medicaid and can be reimbursed, but again it depends on individual state rules. A person is usually only allowed to get particular hearing aid models or those that belong to a specific price bracket. In states that hearing aids are covered, hearing aid services are also often provided under Medicaid benefits. Hearing aid services can comprise of hearing exams, diagnostic tests and speech therapy. Ear molds, hearing aid batteries, cord and tube replacement, straps and cleaning sets are sometimes also covered.

Service termination

Service termination

If you get far enough behind in payments, you’ll ultimately get your services cut, or your line of credit will be suspended.  It’s less painful to have your cable turned off than, say, a necessity such as electricity or gas – but either way, it’s best to keep all accounts current, especially the necessities. To reinstate utilities, for example, may cost you a service fee.  And your creditors usually want you to pay the outstanding balance before reinstating your services or credit.  Keeping up on your monthly payments saves you from digging deeper into debt.

Miyerkules, Agosto 22, 2012

Minimum Mandated Benefit Laws

Minimum Mandated Benefit Laws

Unlike the equal coverage law, this type of law does not have the same level of coverage or benefits for mental illness, serious mental illness, substance abuse as physical illnesses. The difference may lie in the number of visits allowed or copayments, deductibles and annual limits. Some advocates feel that anything short of full parity or equal coverage can be labeled as discrimination while others think that this is better than no coverage at all. Having limited or minimum coverage the copayment can be as much as 50% and every visit will require a certain deductible.

A Medicaid HMO

A Medicaid HMO

A Medicaid HMO would normally require a person who has qualified to only go to doctors who are part of the HMOs accreditation. These doctors have agreed to an arrangement with the Medicaid HMOs. They work closely with the HMO, and they normally charge lower professional fees as part of the agreement they had. They can also help keep costs lower by giving some form of special consideration or assistance to clients of Medicaid HMOs.

Reasons to Avoid Paying Your Bills Late

Reasons to Avoid Paying Your Bills Late

Late fees – This may not seem like a big deterrent to missing your payments, but late fees can add up, especially if you routinely pay your bills late.  And on mortgage or credit card payments, they can really take a dent out of your pocketbook.  Think about it: do you really want to shell out more money to your creditors than you have to?  We didn’t think so.  Paying on time ultimately saves you money.

Martes, Agosto 21, 2012

Mental Health Parity or Equal Coverage Laws

Mental Health Parity or Equal Coverage Laws

Simply put, this law demands that health care insurers extend the same coverage or benefits to mental illness, serious mental illness and substance abuse as for other physical diseases or illnesses. Visit limits, deductibles, co-payments and lifetime and annual limits are also included as part of the benefits. The parity law has many variables that affect the level coverage. In Arkansas, they provide general and sometimes non-specific coverage. In other states, they limit the coverage to serious mental illness or biologically inherited diseases.  Some even include substance abuse in the coverage.

    Home Health Care Services

    Home Health Care Services

    Home health care includes many services and can be short-term care, such as when an individual is coming from surgery and recovering. There is also long-term home health care which is frequently needed by people who have recurring illnesses or have disabilities. Home health care programs give the ability to the elderly or people with disabilities to use their own homes for health care services instead of availing the services of a nursing home. Home health care services typically comprise of nursing and medical care, bathing, toilet assistance and other self-care activities assistance. Other services are cooking and other simple house work, and shopping and marketing assistance and help with errands. There are a number of people involved when establishing the home health care services that will be given to an individual. These usually include family members or a guardian, a case coordinator and a nurse. Another requirement for home health care services is an endorsement or recommendation from a doctor.

    How to Find Quality Credit Counseling

    How to Find Quality Credit Counseling

    Most counseling agencies are non-profit organizations, but that is not a requirement, nor does non-profit status ensure that a counseling agency is “good.” In addition to the fees charged to consumers, they may receive contributions from creditors, who give a portion of the payments they receive through the counseling agency back to the counseling organization. This has led to criticism that these organizations are simply in the debt collection business. On the other hand, creditor contributions keep costs down for consumers.

    Lunes, Agosto 20, 2012

    Mental Health Benefits

    Mental Health Benefits

    Mental Health services have always been a part of medical care. Unfortunately, discussions and debates have been going on regarding costs, coverage and availability of services. Unlike other health care services that are state mandated, there is no concrete law that requires coverage of mental health.

    Home Health Care

    Home Health Care

    Home health care is also categorized into two types, one is for individuals can make their own choices regarding their healthcare and do not require a guardian or representative. Most of the time a person who will avail of this type of home health care will hire home health care providers by themselves. The second type of home health care is for children or adults who have disabilities and have guardians or representatives who make healthcare decisions on behalf of the patient. The guardian coordinates and arranges what type of home health care services the patient may need.

    How Credit Counseling Affects Your Credit

    How Credit Counseling Affects Your Credit

    For many years, participating in a credit counseling program had a significantly negative impact on your credit scores. This has changed, however. Several years ago, FICO, creator of the popular FICO credit scores, changed its scoring system to ignore the fact that consumers are paying their debts through a DMP.

    You will have to close your credit cards when you enroll in a DMP, however, and that will affect your credit. If you successfully get out of debt with a counseling agency´s help, however, you will usually find that your credit scores improve, since carrying a significant amount of debt hurts your scores. One counseling agency reports that their clients raised their credit scores by an average of eleven points by paying off their debt through a DMP.

    Linggo, Agosto 19, 2012

    Medicare and Medicaid

    Medicare and Medicaid

    Medicare is a federally-governed social insurance program providing hospital and medical care for the elderly and certain disabled members of the general population. Medicaid is a social welfare health and medical services program for low income individuals and families.  Although the supervision of the program is at the federal level, each state institutes their own standards for eligibility, regulates the services (including the types, amount, duration and scope), determines the equivalent rate for services and manages its own Medicaid program.

    Medicaid Hospice Services

    Medicaid Hospice Services

    Medicaid hospice services are covered in some states in the US, depending on the set guidelines by these individual states and since they generally determine how to distribute their Medicaid fund. There are other states  where hospice services is not awarded to people who have Medicaid only, but they can cater hospice services to those who are recipients of both  Medicaid and Medicare. A good majority of states consider hospice services as a non-essential treatment and this is one reason why they do not cover hospice or limit hospice services help if their budget is stretched.

    Housing Counseling and Education

    Housing Counseling and Education

    Some counseling agencies also provide foreclosure prevention and mortgage delinquency counseling for consumers who are having trouble paying their mortgages; first-time renter and first-time homebuyer education courses; and mandatory reverse-mortgage counseling.

    Biyernes, Agosto 17, 2012

    Medical Discount Plans: NOT Health Insurance

    Medical Discount Plans: NOT Health Insurance

    Medical discount plans provide consumers with reduced prices on medical services or procedures and doctor’s fees. Instead of paying for the full price for a procedure, you only need to pay the discounted rates. Companies that offer this kind of programs have already negotiated with health care facilities as well as physicians for discounted rates. You only need to pay a monthly fee to access their reduced rates. It is actually up to you if you decide to pay on a monthly or annual basis. Annual payments are normally cheaper than paying monthly. Some companies who offer medical discount plans are: Alliance HealthCard, Benicard and Procare Benefit card. Each one of these can offer you medical discount plans according to your preferences.

    Social Security Act of 1965

    Social Security Act of 1965

    Medicaid insurance was introduced with the Social Security Act of 1965 as part of Title XIX together with Medicare and was planned as a program to give a hand to people with low-income in getting health insurance for their family and themselves. Medicaid insurance can also help specific individuals who find themselves lower than poverty level set by the federal government.  Although eligibility can vary in every state, majority take into consideration income levels. Other criteria for Medicaid insurance qualification are total assets of an individual, age, pregnancy in women, children, disabilities and citizenship of the applicant. People with HIV or aids are sometimes considered for Medicaid insurance coverage. If a person also is a recipient of assistance or benefits from other state or federal health programs, they may be considered ineligible for Medicaid insurance

    Mandatory Bankruptcy Counseling and Education

    Mandatory Bankruptcy Counseling and Education

    If you file for bankruptcy, you will have to show the court that you received mandatory pre-bankruptcy credit counseling. If you are deeply in debt, or if your income has dropped, make sure the counseling agency is authorized to provide you with a certificate showing you received this counseling (so you’ll have it if you need it). Additionally, before your bankruptcy can be completed (discharged), you will have to show you completed a required financial counseling course. That course will likely be provided by the same agency.

    Huwebes, Agosto 16, 2012

    Medical Coverage in a Car Accident

    Medical Coverage in a Car Accident

    Accident insurance does not cover any accident that may be caused by negligence, acts of God, or any natural disasters.  Even those activities or professions that may be deemed risky by the insurance company may be listed as restrictions or limitations to the policy.
    This type of policy lists very specific payouts especially when it involves the loss of a body partMedical care in this instance is also covered, and in the event that permanent disability resulting from the accident also happens, the insured will also receive a sum that s/he could live on moving forward.  Payouts are also structured to be received by the insured if in case s/he is unable to work given the injuries that were sustained in the accident.  If in case of death of the insured, the beneficiaries will get a lump sum from the insurance company.

    Medicaid Lawyers

    Medicaid Lawyers

    Medicaid lawyers can be found by getting in touch with legal firms and inquiring if they have lawyers who deal with Medicaid concerns and lawsuits. Law offices that have an excellent track record of handling coverage issues, claims and other issues that involve Medicaid are more often than very eager to prove that they carry these types of legal services.

    Debt Management Programs

    Debt Management Programs

    If you can afford to pay back your debts in five years, the agency may recommend that you enroll in a Debt Management Program (DMP). If you do, you will make one monthly payment to the agency, which will then distribute payments to each of your participating creditors. You must close all your credit card accounts. The benefit of a DMP is that many creditors will reduce interest rates and fees so that you can get out of debt in five years or less.

    Miyerkules, Agosto 15, 2012

    Long Term Care Insurance

    Long Term Care Insurance

    Long term care insurance proves to be helpful with providing for the cost of the care needed when you or a loved one requires someone to help with physical, sometimes even emotional, needs for an extended period of time.
    People may need long term care due to an illness, disability, terminal condition or weakness brought on by old age, although age alone is not a determinant for needing long term care. The early onset of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease also leads to the requirement for this type of care.
    The effects of these conditions are not limited to the emotional and physical. The cost for long term care is as devastating to anyone who has had an experience with them, and long term care insurance can provide that protection needed to cushion the blow to your family’s finances.

    Medicaid Nursing Home Care For Married Couples

    Medicaid Nursing Home Care For Married Couples

    Medicaid takes into account the income and assets of the couple if one of them requires nursing home care. The married couples’ countable assets, which can include bank accounts, stocks, bonds, properties, second vehicles and other investments, are brought together and then the value is split between the spouses. Each state may have different kinds of assets considered as countable and this could be verified with the local Medicaid office.

    Credit Counseling

    Credit Counseling

    Basic Debt and Budgeting Review

    A counselor will review your budget and debts with you to help you figure out how to adjust your spending so you can pay down debt and start saving. He or she will also help determine whether you can afford your payments on your current income or whether you need additional help.

    Lunes, Agosto 13, 2012

    Health Insurance - Insurance Fraud

    Health Insurance - Insurance Fraud

    One of the major motives for people to commit health insurance fraud is the fact that it is works in favor of all the parties involved. Even the most honest patients go along with it at times when it affects their own medical care. Physicians see it as essential to give their patients the treatments they require and are not covered by their policies and would otherwise not be able to afford. Physicians often bill the insurance company for an entirely different service, which is covered in the policy, than the one which was given to the patient. Other times, a physician either bills the insurance company for more expensive treatments than what was actually provided; provide and then bill for a medically unnecessary treatment; and even blatantly bill for services not rendered.

    Processing is done electronically

    Processing is done electronically

    Once you bill Medicaid, an electronic machine now processes the claim.  To make sure that providers are paid correctly, they have an audit system.  These keep the facts in check, so that no provider is under-paid or overpaid.  In addition, services must be billed under the appropriate codes from the Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS).  Reimbursement rates apply under state laws and vary from each state.

    Take it one step at a time

    Take it one step at a time

     My favorite self-help book of the year, One Small Step Can Change Your Life by Robert Maurer, Ph.D. advises you to stop trying to make major changes and start with simple ones. Anything you can do in one minute or one action is ideal. So as you go through this list, don’t get overwhelmed. For example, if the thought of spending an afternoon setting up online bill payments gives you a headache, don’t take it one step at a time. Resolve to just set up one account online. Instead of agonizing over making our your will, make your first step only to ask three friends for referrals to an attorney who can help.

    Linggo, Agosto 12, 2012

    Indemnity Plans

    Indemnity Plans

    Indemnity plans cover the usual expenses like doctors’ fees, tests, and prescription drugs.  However, preventive check-ups are not included in this plan.  In addition, there is also a high probability that the cost of professional fees may not be what is deemed “reasonable and customary” by the insurance company.  When you file a claim under the indemnity plan, it is still subject to approval in terms of how much the service you availed cost in the market, and compared to other claims of the same nature as well.  If in case your health care provider charges a higher amount than what is usual, then expect to pay for the difference in the amount based on the approved cost.

    Proper documentation should be kept

    Proper documentation should be kept

    Providers and consumers should keep detailed and accurate records of the services provided to them.  These documents should show the details of the service or treatment availed or done to the patient, and show that there is a medical necessity for the procedure that was done or is being done to the patient.  From there, Medicaid will now decide if their policy criteria are met.

    Buy Less

    Buy Less

    Stay away from the mall, turn off the TV, and if possible, get your kids to do the same. You’ll find a lot fewer temptations calling your name. Your bank account will be healthier, your home less cluttered, and you will free up time for the things you really enjoy.

    Biyernes, Agosto 10, 2012

    How to File A Health Insurance Claim

    How to File A Health Insurance Claim

    1. Verify with your medical practitioner if your health insurance is valid in their clinic or center.  If so, then proceed with any treatment or service that you will need.  If not, it is best to find a doctor or a health care provider who is accredited by your insurance.  That way, you can be assured that your claim would not be denied by your insurance company.
    2. Get itemized receipts.  Make sure that you ask your doctor for an itemized bill, wherein the service that you had acquired is listed against the corresponding cost.  This way, the insurance company will have a detailed accounting of the services based on the receipt.  The original receipt will be attached to the claim form.
    3. Acquire a claim form from the company, or download it from the website.  If you have questions regarding the form and the fields you will have to fill out, do not hesitate to call customer service for assistance.  Also make sure that you have the right form for your claim.
    4. Check for accuracy.  Go over all the information that you had indicated in your claim form, and ensure that the right paperwork is attached as necessary.  Double-checking will go a long way, so that your forms will not be going back and forth for any missing information.  Give the customer service a call to also make sure that you have everything you need for your submissions.
    5. Make copies.  Photocopy not only the receipt but also the claim form that you have submitted.  Once you have accomplished this, make sure to send the claim form to the insurance company. Have the photocopy received if you had personally delivered the file.
    6. Mark the date on your calendar.  Ask your agent when you can expect the check to be available.  Mark this down on your planner.  Should there be any delays, do not hesitate to call the company and inquire as to why there was a delay.

    Certain exemptions apply

    Certain exemptions apply

    Healthcare providers and consumers alike should be aware that Medicaid recipients are exempt from co-pays for some services.  Among these include ambulance services, dental services, services for those in nursing homes, services related to pregnancy, and services for patients under 21.  Missed appointments should likewise not be billed to Medicaid as well.

    Go ahead, change your mind

    Go ahead, change your mind

    Psychologists have been tackling the secrets of happiness , and guess what? After a certain point, it’s not about money. (And that point is usually around $50,000 a year, not a million). If you’re tired of worrying about money, then resolve that above all, you’ll be happy, regardless of your bank account balance. After all, what is life about, anyway?  Fortunately, there are great tools now to help you change your mind. Anything by Martin Seligman, Ph.D., can help, and I also love The Prosperity Game , a free online game where you get to spend virtual checks on anything you want (with no bill due, ever!).

    Huwebes, Agosto 9, 2012

    Your primary care physician and medical records

    Your primary care physician and medical records

    Be mindful that your new plan may not have the same network as your current one. Find out beforehand if you will still be able to see your primary care physician and other routine medical professionals. If not, explore another policy that might allow you to continue seeing them under your new coverage. If, however, this is impossible, then you will need to take note of certain information so that your medical records will be able to follow you without great difficulty. These are:
    • Your provider’s business name
    • Provider’s full name
    • Provider’s complete address
    • Providers contact details such as telephone and fax numbers
    • Your date of last visit
    • Most recent prescribed medications and courses of treatment

    Make sure you’re eligible

    Make sure you’re eligible

    This is the first step, and is the most important of all requirements.  You have to assure that you are found eligible by your state for the Medicaid program.  During the day you will receive your treatment, you will have to show proof of eligibility.  It is only then that Medicaid will shoulder the expense for your treatment.  In addition to checking if you are eligible for the program, you also have to make sure that the healthcare provider that you are acquiring services from honors Medicaid recipients.  Call ahead for an appointment and ask this information ahead of time, so that you can eliminate the possibility of issues upon arriving there for your treatment.

    Sweat the Big Stuff

    Sweat the Big Stuff

    You have put it off long enough. It’s time to get your will, living will and/or estate plan set up. Update beneficiaries if you haven’t done so recently. Then make a list of all your accounts and passwords in case something should happen to you . Be sure you have enough life insurance to protect your loved ones. Hopefully you will have a good, healthy year. But if things don’t go as planned, you want those important items checked off your to-do list. 

    Miyerkules, Agosto 8, 2012

    Consider short-term health insurance from a private health insurance provider

    Consider short-term health insurance from a private health insurance provider

    Also known as temporary health insurance, this type of plan is designed to provide individuals with an alternative medical coverage whenever there is a gap in your normal health care coverage. If you are in between jobs, have lost your group health insurance coverage and are not eligible for COBRA, then short-term health insurance just might be what you need. This might not be the cheapest option but you will be covered during the time that you would otherwise have none.

    Medicaid’s Long-term Custodial Care

    Medicaid’s Long-term Custodial Care

    In general, for you to qualify for Medicaid’s long-term custodial care, you will need to make sure that you are eligible for two foremost criteria: your age and your financial status.  First, your age must be over and above 65, or disabled.  “Disabled” as defined by the Social Security Act, is the “inability to engage in any substantial activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment which can be expected to result in death, or has lasted/ can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 12 months.”  Second, you must have less than $2,000 in countable resources.  Should you be deemed eligible, Medicaid will be responsible for the cost of long-term care in a nursing home.  Medicaid would also be responsible for paying a third party for providing services to the individual as well.  As an alternative, if Medicaid determines that the cost of nursing home care is going to be more expensive than the patient remaining at home, then you may qualify for a Medicaid Waiver instead.

    Stop Doing It All

    Stop Doing It All

    The most successful people in business find good people to work for them, then delegate the things that are not the best use of their time or skills. They check in to make sure things are running smoothly, but they focus their energy on more important tasks. The same goes for your financial life. Your team can include a great accountant, insurance broker, and financial planner. Help them understand where you want to go, then let their expertise help you get there.

    Martes, Agosto 7, 2012

    How do I switch health insurance companies without a gap in coverage?

    How do I switch health insurance companies without a gap in coverage?

    It’s bound to happen, one way or another. Graduating from school, losing dependent status or changing jobs – even a divorce could force you to switch health insurance providers. You want to make sure that you’ll still be getting the best coverage under a new insurance company. Additionally, it won’t be to your favor to allow a lapse in your coverage given how health insurance treats gaps in coverage.
    Determine legalities. Read and understand your policy carefully. If something is unclear to you, call the customer service department of your insurance company to clarify these details. Federal laws that address the portability of health insurance exist, such as the 1986 COBRA bill and the 1996 HIPAA Act. If you are considered a qualifying beneficiary, these will give you the benefit of continuing coverage.

    Community-Based Services

    Community-Based Services

    Persons with disabilities do need specialized home care, and community-based services.  Although Medicaid covers these services, there are still needs that need to be addressed in each state.  The people who provide care to these elderly and disabled are heroes in their own right, and help extended by Medicaid would let them be able to take a much needed break from rendering their services to these people.

    Start Saving

    Start Saving

    If you haven’t had the time or energy to start a savings account, pick a method – any method -- and get started. Sign up to have a small amount transferred from your checking account to a savings or money market account each month; start spending only paper money and save your coins each day in a jar until you have enough to deposit in the bank; get a piggybank; or get a credit card that helps you save. It’s one resolution you definitely won’t regret.

    Lunes, Agosto 6, 2012

    How do I file for a disability claim?

    How do I file for a disability claim?

    Disability insurance is a plan that utilizes money from the Social Security fund to protect the income of an employee who becomes disabled or injured and as a result, is unable to continue working. Disability insurance compensates individuals based on the income they earned prior to the disability/injury. Aside from the national disability program that is in place, there are some employers and unions that grant additional worker’s compensation benefits. This benefit is usually given as the result of a temporary injury that is the result of an accident or incident that happened while the employee was on the job.
    In addition, these monetary benefits may be extended for a period of time, for certain cases. Examples would be if the disabled person has a spouse who is over 62 years of age, a spouse that is taking care of a child below 16 years of age or has a child that is disabled. Moreover, if a person has been receiving disability insurance for 2 years, they are automatically qualified for Medicare coverage.

    Section 2176 of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1981

    Section 2176 of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1981

    Section 2176 of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1981, authorized waivers to provide expanded home care to Medicaid recipients with disabilities, especially when this condition would cause them more costly care.  This then, gave Medicaid the flexibility to come up with programs that enabled their consumers to remain in their own communities.  Although this has helped Medicaid to reach out to most of their insured, it is not without problems. Since states are given the freedom to come up with their own programs, they have often placed limitations on the amount of home care each Medicaid recipient may receive. Another problem is the availability of people who will administer health care.  Medicaid may be a major player in paying for health care needs, but lower reimbursement rates limit the number of professionals willing to provide care for those covered by Medicaid.

    Create a System

    Create a System

    Whether it’s an online financial organizer like Mvelopes, Quicken, or Microsoft Money, or just something as simple as a filing drawer and notebook designated for your finances, find a place to organize your paperwork… and start doing it! You’ll save a bunch of time when you don’t have to dig through stacks of papers to find that receipt or cancelled check.  Tax time will be a lot easier as well.

    Linggo, Agosto 5, 2012

    Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)

    Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)

    Members of a PPO also have a network of health care providers available to them, should they want or need them. However, members of PPOs are not restricted to the network for their health care needs. If you are a member of a PPO, you are allowed to select health care providers that are outside of the network without the need of a referral.
    You will be responsible for your yearly deductible and copayments for check-ups if you obtain your health care from a doctor within the preferred network. On the other hand, you will need to pay a higher amount, and you will also need to pay the doctor directly and then file a claim with the PPO for a portion of your expenses to be reimbursed if you obtain health services from a doctor outside of the preferred network.

    Keep two credit cards, and freeze the rest

    Keep two credit cards, and freeze the rest

    You might not be able to tile your pool with your plastic like Martha Stewart did in her television commercial a few years ago, but if you are a “typical” American, you own a wallet full of plastic. Two major credit cards should be all your need. Use more, and you might miss a due date and get hit with a painfully expensive late fee. Using one credit card with a low interest rate for purchases you won’t pay off in full, and one with no fee (plus rewards) for those you will should be enough.

    How do you apply for retroactive Medicaid coverage?

    How do you apply for retroactive Medicaid coverage?

    1. You should obtain an application form from Medicaid.  In order to do this online, you can type Medicaid then the name of your state, so that it will direct you to the specific site dedicated to your state.  You can download an application form from there.  Otherwise, you can also obtain it from hospitals.
    2. Fill out all the required information in the application form.  If you have dependents over 18, they should be the one to submit their Medicaid application themselves.
    3. Submit these forms in person.  Although face-to-face interviews are not required by most states, we would advise that you hand over your application personally.  Do not send your form by mail, as you would need to present the original copies of some documents.  Should you have questions, contact your Medicaid office.
    4. Remember to write down or block appointments with your Medicaid office.  Failure to show up or provide documentation will only delay your application.

    Biyernes, Agosto 3, 2012

    Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

    Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

    Persons enrolled in an HMO are required to obtain most, if not all, of their health care needs from health care providers from within their network. An HMO will oblige that you select from a wide range of primary care physicians (PCP) who will be responsible for administer and coordinate all of your health care needs. The PCP will serve as your personal doctor and he or she will render the basic health care services you require. These may be internal medicine doctors, family physicians and even gynecologists for women. You may also select from a network of pediatricians or family physicians to provide your children with health care. In order for you to obtain a diagnostic service or the services of a specialist (such as a cardiologist or surgeon) within the network, your PCP will need to give you a referral. If a referral is not given to you, or if you choose to get these services from outside of your network, you will need to pay for most of, if not the entire cost of that particular service.

    Assessing the quality of Medicaid managed health care plans

    Assessing the quality of Medicaid managed health care plans

    Requiring periodic plan reports: The state is required to collect accurate, reliable and valid data form the managed care plans. Accurate, reliable and valid data is important in measuring the quality of care for Medicaid managed care. The federal government requires that all states must submit periodic plan reports. External quality reviews: This is a federal requirement that is done on a yearly basis. The state usually contracts the services of an external quality review organization to conduct such tasks. The organization may review medical records, data procedures and collection and conduct of quality care studies.

    Resolutions to Make Your Financial Life Easier

    Resolutions to Make Your Financial Life Easier

    Pay bills at warp speed

    About ten seconds is what it took me to pay a bill online that would have taken me at least a few minutes if I had to dig out my checkbook, write a check, slap on a stamp, and take it to a postbox. You can pay bills online.  The research shows it’s likely safer than paying offline, as long as you keep your computer free of spyware and viruses.

    Huwebes, Agosto 2, 2012

    High Risk Pools (benefits, enrollment, cost)

    High Risk Pools (benefits, enrollment, cost)

    High Risk Pools are private – funded health insurance plans organized by certain states to serve these so called high-risk individuals who do not have access to group insurance. Most high risk pools are self-funded thus they are self-governing entities that have their own boards and administrators. Though sometimes, high risk pools also function as part of the state’s department of insurance.
    Also, Congressional Republicans proposed the creation of a high risk pool program, included in the historic new health reform law to help provide affordable health insurance coverage to people with pre-existing conditions who clearly fall under uninsurable individuals.

    Medicaid Asssessment Programs

    Medicaid  Asssessment Programs

    Medicaid managed care still faces a lot of criticism. Since the main reason why managed care was established was to control costs, many argue that what Medicaid is providing is low quality of health care. Up to this time, government officials are continuously seeking new ways to assess and make sure that the quality of managed health care being provided to Medicaid beneficiaries are not low quality.

    Calculate Your Expenses

    Calculate Your Expenses

    One of the most difficult steps in establishing a budget is determining how much money you're spending – how much money is going out. First make a list of all your fixed expenses. This would include rent, mortgage payments, car payments, insurance, utilities, cable, etc. Next, include variable expenses such as food, gas, entertainment, etc. And lastly, don't forget about miscellaneous and maintenance expenses like property taxes, car maintenance, tag renewals, birthday gifts, etc. Once you've added up your out-going monthly expenses, subtract them from your income and that'll tell you whether or not you're spending more than you earn, and help you get a better idea of where you can cut back.

    Miyerkules, Agosto 1, 2012

    Hearing Disability Benefits

    Hearing Disability Benefits

    The benefits that a hearing-impaired individual gets depend on the degree of his or her hearing impairment (full or partial) and ability to keep working or find employment.  The SSA determines if your capability in terms of what kind of work will be suitable for you. Those who have sufficient earnings recorded may qualify for SSD benefits. But those who were born deaf and do not have earnings recorded may be eligible for SSI but it is still subject to household income limitations. There are also law firms that specialize in this kind of cases. It is actually advisable to get legal counsel or assistance in filing for disability benefits.

    State Children’s Health Insurance Program

    State Children’s Health Insurance Program

    Another type of dental coverage that is being run for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This is known as State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP).
    SCHIP eligibility is based on age, family size and annual income. SCHIP allocates coverage through statewide network of professional service providers including dentists. Patients under SCHIP use network providers except for emergency cases.

    Credit Card - Identity theft

    Credit Card - Identity theft

    What is identity theft? Identity theft is officially defined as the deliberate assumption of another person's identity. Thieves use Social Security numbers, driver’s licenses, passports, account information, and other personal details in order to impersonate their victims. With this data, identity thieves apply for mortgages, buy cars, open new accounts, apply for jobs, join the military, commit crimes, access savings, and enter the United States illegally, all using someone else’s name.